Florida Tornado Warning

We’re under a tornado warning again! There is also a flood watch. It is just raining and thundering, I doubt anything will happen.

hope you guys are ok!

Thanks! Now we’re just under a tornado watch, and the wind isn’t blowing at all, lol!

I hope the weather gets better, because I want to go back outside. :slight_smile:

whenever it rains i work on the fire alarm system if i have nothing els to do

A lot of the times when it starts raining, I am outside in the pool. So, normally when I am inside, I would play video games or browse the forums on my laptop, but if it starts thundering or lightning, I unplug my laptop to protect it from being fried if lightning hits a power line. Then, once by battery gets low on power, I put it to sleep, to protect the battery from being worn out. I end up just watching T.V. (which I don’t like doing very much).