I wasn’t sure where to post this, so I just posted it in general discussion.
I found this interesting clip today from January. A realtor is trying to film a house she’s trying to sell when a door opens behind her. She walks around the house for a minute or two, trying to get the spirit to do something. That’s when the smoke alarm in a bedroom goes off, the same bedroom she began recording in. When she steps into the hall leading to the room, the smoke alarm falls off its mounting bracket right onto the floor in front of her. She books it out.
Whether or not you’re a believer, I thought this video would interest most of you here. I always wondered if ghosts could set off smoke alarms, I guess this answered that.
Here’s the Vimeo from the realtor herself: house tour
Oh wow…I’m not 100% sure of whether I believe in them myself or not, but I suppose there’s always the chance/possibility that they could exist, so you never know.
Provided ghosts can do most of the things we can (& probably some things we can’t too, like being invisible, floating/flying, & phasing through objects), it wouldn’t surprise me if what happened in that video was a ghost simply first pushing the test button on the detector & then twisting it off its bracket & letting it fall (& of course turning the doorknob on the door at the beginning & either giving the door a little push or letting it naturally swing open on its own). I honestly can’t blame the realtor for evacuating the house as quickly as she did: who wouldn’t after all that?
Be interesting to see someone (or even a whole team) investigate this matter & attempt to determine what exactly happened (not to mention if it was indeed a ghost or otherwise spirit/supernatural entity’s doing).
One thing I found odd is the fact that the front door clearly has no doorknob: wouldn’t a realty company want knobs on all the doors for security purposes, just like any homeowner?
If a door opens on its own, it’s probably just some window being open or wind getting in, and the smoke alarm could go off due to a faulty sensor detecting moisture.
It could have fallen off if the bracket was minutes away from falling on its own and the vibration from the alarm going off could have ended that.