Goofy Fire Alarm Memes

Simplex 4903 vertical mounted speaker strobes that aren’t 15CD:

‘4903-9143’ and ‘4903-9145’ (4903-9147s, but with 30CD 9143 and 110CD 9145 strobes)

‘4903-9154’ (4903-9153, but with a 110CD strobe)

Simplex TrueAlert High Candela Ceiling Mounted Speaker Strobe:

‘4906-9164’ (High Candela version of a 4906-9154. Can do 135, 177 and 185CD)

A conventional SmartSync Amber/Fire Strobe combo!

TrueAlerts in the future:

Includes a smaller lower current draw LED strobe, more candela options, a mounting bracket, a slider to select the candela and a selector switch which applies to the remote strobes, speaker strobes and 4 wire selectable horn strobes. Also includes matching mounting screws and a screw on design where you don’t have to remove the beauty plate. How awesome would that be to have an improved TrueAlert! Also has a new Simplex logo as well as screws on the side to secure the cover plate so that it stays on if you remove it from the field.

Imagine finding a Simplex 4903 with a 75CD strobe

This image has a blue square to indicate 75CD

30CD TrueAlert

30CD QuickAlert

A vertical strobed Wheelock MT with a 110CD strobe; Wheelock MT-24-HS or SH

Hey! Why’d you mount the Simplex 4903-9148 the wrong way? Whatever, we’ll just reposition the fire lettering… no big deal. You get 360 coverage! Code complaint magic baby! Whoo!

A Simplex 4903-9149 written in a different language?! That must be weird!

What’s the difference between the 4903-9148 and 4903-9149 you may ask? They are the exact same though the 4903-9148 has a 30CD strobe, but however the 4903-9149 has a 110CD strobe. Both speaker strobes have strobes selectable for FreeRun and SmartSync and have the same speakers as the Simplex TrueAlert speaker strobes.

Simplex ‘4903-9243’ (White Electronic 110CD Horn Strobe)

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