Ground Fault Audible Every 1 minute

Hello. Is there a way to silence a ground fault trouble at the FACP while we are waiting for the part to arrive for swap out ? My vendor has not had any luck with this and we have ringing every 30 seconds even after ack and silence. It is a Notifier SW- 30 30 with 2 way communication addressable system. The Ground fault is coming from a Node in the basement.

The ground fault must be bouncing in & out, otherwise Acknowledge would silence the panel until the trouble reminder resounds 24 hours later.What part are you waiting for? If it’s a bad addressable device like a detector or module, you could disable it or take it out of the circuit until the replacement part arrives. There would be single trouble for the missing device.

Hi. It is coming in as a Node itself ground fault main DVC.

Have you tried disconnecting the DAL loop to the amplifiers? Not sure right off how a ground on an amp circuit would report but it would be through the DVC. Try pulling the amp speaker circuits off to see if there is any change.

I will mention that. So essentially like a reset ? Disconnect and reconnect the DAL loop to the amps in the basement node ?

No, the source of the ground fault will need to be found and repaired. Disconnecting wiring is a method of troubleshooting to determine where the issue is. When the circuit or wire that has the earth ground on it is disconnected, generally the ground fault goes away. That helps to pin-point where the issue is. In my experience a ground fault is usually a device that got wet or due to recent construction.
I just checked and a ground fault on a DAA amp will report to the DVC.

What part are you waiting for?

I see so once it is disconnected it goes away but how will it still be determined where the source is ? It is showing up as Node Basement DVC Ground Fault. I would have to ask but I am assuming the amplifier

Unplug each amp speaker circuit one by one until the fault goes away. Once you determine which wire or circuit has the earth ground, then you will need to look deeper into that particular circuit wiring. It will help to have a drawing on what speakers are on each circuit. With the wires removed from the amp, using a VOM meter set to ohms, put one meter lead on a good ground source. Then put the other lead on each of the speaker wires separetly. They should read infinity and not have any connection. If one wire does, that is the conductor that is the problem. Go to the middle speaker in the circuit and check for the ground there. Keep cutting the circuit in half until you determine the issue. Keep in mind the fault may go away during troubleshooting as you open electrical boxes and move wiring. I would walk the circuit first and look for any clues of any leaks, construction or damage.

Morning. Thanks. I noticed this morning in that same node the main FACP is reading missing Amp not installed. Do you think this can be the root of the issue ?

It could be related. That sounds like a programming issue .

do you think if the amp is missing it can cause a ground fault with it disconnected ? Is that connected through a circuit that now can be hanging to the ground ?

There is a connection between the DVC and the amplifier called a DAL loop. If it is disconnected and touching earth ground, it may show as a ground fault. Easy enough to isolate the wire and tape it off.

I see. Isolate it and tape it off until we get the amplifier component , Tape will stop the current flow ?

It will isolate the wiring from ground or any other stray voltages it could come in contact with.

okay . I will keep you posted. Good suggestion.