HenBasket’s Costa Rica Fire Alarm Finds

In this thread, I will be posting the various fire alarms I find during my trip to Costs Rica

Saturday, February 11

Upside down SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe at San José Airport

SpectrAlert Advances on an EST system at the first hotel

A closer look at the fire alarm sign, with an illustration that looks like a Fire-Lite BG-6

Sunday, February 12

A Siemens voice evac system at Museo del Oro Precolombino (Pre-Columbian Gold Museum)

A very… interesting setup at a glasses store in a commercial strip

If you look at the conduit, you can see it is deformed and not in the connector, suggesting the pull station may have been below the alarm but was moved to put the glasses display up.

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Monday, February 13

Second hotel, this time a Notifier system with NBG-12LSP pull stations under Stoppers with Spanish text and English L-Series horn strobes.

An interesting choice for mounting

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Interesting that the horn strobes don’t say “fuego”

Yeah, the only Spanish text horn strobe I’ve seen was one in the first hotel, as seen in the first post before the closeup of the pull station directions

I have never seen a Spanish stopper 2 before

Tuesday, February 14, Morning

Went to my parents’ rooms and in the way I found a couple fails

Someone stole the emergency light. Another person joked that one of the monkeys did it

An activated NBG-12LSP, I told the staff about this due to, you know…

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That’s not good how the pull station is activated but the alarm is not going off

Interesting how they only use the ISO (running man) exit signs on the outside

Wednesday, February 15

Our trip got cut short because both my parents and I got COVID, fun /s

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Forgot to add this here, a SPSRL and a L-Series horn strobe (unsure if 2- or 4-wire) next to each other in San José Airport in the outgoing terminals


Cool, is Covid still kicking your butt

What is up with these crappy instalation jobs. BG-12 ABOVE the glasses display, UPSIDEDOWN Spetralert Speaker Strobe, and finally, an ACTIVATED FireLite BG-12!

Idk, some contractors.

Dang. Covid is interrupting everybody’s life.