Horns or speakers.

Horns or speakers?

  • Horns
  • Speakers
0 voters

Which do you like best, horns or speakers?

I feel like this should have more options, I.E. electromechanical horns, electronic horns, vibrating bells, single stroke bells, mechanical chimes, electronic chimes, speakers, etc.

Personally, I like them all to be honest! It depends on the application and the building. If I ever am lucky enough to design fire protection systems someday I couldn’t be biased on whether horns, chimes or speakers are installed in the building! Nor could I be biased on which brand is being put in the building unfortuneately! :roll:

I like horns better

I’m not scared of speakers, but I like horns better. If I don’t know when the alarms are going off, I should be fine.

Why don’t you Like knowing when the alarms are going off

I was opposite. I was always better when I knew the alarms were going to sound.

I am so used to horns. For some reason, Voice Evacuation sends chills up my spine.

Because I get so nervous and I can’t function. It gets annoying also when teacher’s indadvertedly let it slip also.

When I know when the alarms are going to go off, I get excited, and can’t focus. Fortunately, the end up going off a few seconds, or a minute later.

I usually have to wait five minutes in terror for the alarms to go off and it sucks.

That does suck. In middle school, whenever a teacher told us we were going to have a drill, the alarms seemed to go off like a minute later. Once, it went off literally 1 whole second after the teacher finished talking.

I have to admit that was actually some very great timing then.

Yeah, it was funny. The teacher told us where our evacuation area was (but he didn’t tell us we were going to be having a drill), and a student then asked if we were going to have a drill. Then, he said “of course not”, right before the alarm went off. :lol:

The fact that he was even talking about the evacuation route and were the meeting site was should have gave them an indication. :stuck_out_tongue:

It did give them an indication, that’s why one of them asked if we were going to be having a drill.

I know we’re having a drill when my teacher puts in earplugs

Haha. I’ve never had anyone do that.