How do i fix this?

Alright, you can tell me.

They won’t give it to you because you are not the account owner

We are done talking about this! Any more questions or posts will not be answered

If a moderator or administrator reads this please lock this topic

You said if any administrator or moderator wants to know who hacked you that they can request that info. Since I’m both right now you can tell me, now.

PM me and I will tell you there

I want to know as well.

Send a PM.

I just sent it to you

I should also note for anyone who is reading this that Nathan has been editing his posts.

LMFAO, you guys make me crack up xD,

  1. Nathan TBCH, your life isnt based upon us. You live it how you want and, tfp or fire alarm collecting in general is an O-P-T-I-O-N which means you have the O-P-T-I-O-N of being here. If you wanna make a good impression then act normal like me, samson, ryan, andrew, etc. And don’t act like you know it all unless you really do know it all.

  2. You should calm yourself… You hate matt schrier for stuff he didnt even do and caused soooooo much crap between you and samson and you two would bother me about it! One thing I need to say, I DONT CARE! you should say the same…

  3. Im not here to offend or ruin anyones experience with TFP or any other alarm website. Im just stating my part in this… And when I say stuff about someone I’m almost always completely honest…

  4. You really need to face the consequences, if you said all that on me and Sam’s videos then you need to stop, ASAP. I thought it was not you… but im starting to reconsider…

What does Matt S. have to do with this? Hes a personal friend of mine…

He’s a friend of mine too! And nathan was really immature because Matt apparently called him fat on skype (which he did not) … and made Matts lips his profile picture on skype a while back… I have no idea why… he just did.

What a small world! How long have you known him? :smiley:

Umm… Samson… this is a serious topic… Lets discuss this whole thing going on with Nathan… But we both met him at a similar time hahah

I actually find this whole thing very comical at this point, but in the interest of providing a useful comment I will say this. Nathan, people aren’t believing you because you have lied in the past. If you have told lies (quite frequently from what I gather) before then what makes what you are saying now any bit more truthful?

This topic is BEYOND done.

Nathan, either clean up the act or find somewhere else to be that does not involve any of us. There is just no room for this here.

As for everyone else, this topic spiraled so far off topic almost to the point of bullying and is just not acceptable.

Accusations are just that… accusations the kid says he did not make the comment, please do not start playing detective. We do not convict people without evidence and without an IP log or some other “evidence” that can point to him I am afraid the argument is nothing more than that… an argument based on zero evidence and it will just continue to go back and fourth.

And before my fellow “staff” get all in a hissy fit at me for sidding with Nathan I am not. But sooner or later someone has to end it. Let us attempt to all play nice and be as friendly as possible. I now decalre TFP a DRAMA FREE ZONE.

And by the way, let me just use this as an opportunity to remind everyone that as a rule I do not tolerate bullying of ANY kind. Primarily that regarding sexual orientation or the life that one was born into IE how poor someone is or the family dynamic. If I hear of any of that there will be serious concequences. As we move closer to the school year I would like to think TFP is a safe and friendly place for everyone and I mean everyone.

Thank you :slight_smile: