How is this p2grled capable of temporal 4?

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That’s supposedly a new feature of the LED L-series: the ability to sound in temporal 4 for CO alarm applications (though you’d likely have to have a separate horn or horn/strobe alongside each fire one for that, since with a conventional system at least you can’t have the panel tell a single one what pattern to do, plus the fact that it would still be labeled “FIRE”, which wouldn’t fit with the condition it’d be indicating).

I think the general understanding is that there is an extended sync protocol that can command the horn to sound temporal 4 when set to one of the T3/T4 options, but System Sensor has not released equipment to send these commands.

An ALERT bezel could be added to the device. The L-Series low frequency sounder strobes already support T4 without any special equipment, despite only being offered in FIRE lettering.

Oh, yeah, right, my bad.

I will git a bezel then!

it still can damage selector tho

I think is a feature that is still being worked on because when I connect cables and there is a slight disconnect for a millisecond on the startup the alarm goes into 3k temporal 4 instead of anything else

I think the “slight disconnect” might be the command to switch the horn to temporal 4. What happens if you don’t break the tone selector?

mine is a p2grled not a p2rled so maybe that changes the fact