How to do coding without a panel

I’m new to the hobby and I don’t have the budget to buy a panel yet and I want to be able to send temporal code to my alarms. I’ve done some research and I’m looking for a device similar to this to no avail ( Could someone point me in the right direction?

Buy a relay! That is how you can do temperal.

if you’re willing to DIY, you can build fireseq for fairly cheap:

these boards are supported, you will likely need an adapter to flash the code onto them though.

Are you looking for a specific temporal pattern? Most newer horns come with a least a couple of built-in temporal patterns selectable by dipswitch.

Thank you, I’m going to order these and get myself started!

I’m looking for really anything besides continuous. 90 BPM March time, Code 3, etc.

I’m working with 2903s and 4903s right now, I have enough right now to get myself started on making a fireseq panel.