I have a Simplex 2903-9101 strobe plate but the strobe doesn’t work on it. So let me know if anyone knows how to fix it

I have a Simplex 2903-9101 strobe plate but the strobe doesn’t work on it. So let me know if anyone knows how to fix it

Wouldn’t surprise me if something in the circuitry is messed up. That could be anything along with potentially being impossible to fix though (I have a Wheelock WS1T-24 who’s trigger came off the circuit board & that’s impossible to put back on due to the tiny pins that once connected it to the board, thus it’s remained broken ever since).

Ok I can send some pictures of the strobe!

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Strange…everything looks fine. I’ll let someone else with far more electronics expertise than me examine it more methodically though.

Have you tried turning the potentiometer on the side some? I believe that if it’s too low the strobe will fail to flash at all.

Does the little neon bulb (smaller glass thing on the side with all the components) happen to flash/stay on?

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Could be the SCR that fires the strobe tube to discharge it (the one next to the big capacitor, trigger transformer, and the resistor and diode) probably went bad…


The circuit board and solder tracks are damaged. See the bottom of the photo with the strobe bulb. Usually that’s caused by water and on your board there are drip marks. You may be able to clean it up and jumper the missing tracks to get it working again.

Hi Xander, I believe Pilot is right. I see damage towards the bottom of the board and there could be an open in the circuit. I hope you know how to troubleshoot & solder to run a jumper, otherwise you’ll have to send it to someone who repairs electronics like I do.

And even if there is an open, its possible another component is bad, but tracing out the damaged traces with a multimeter is the first step.

Edit: adding an addendum here. Be really careful when working with those strobe citcuits. That large capacitor can seriously hurt you if it hasn’t been properly discharged.

Use a solution that cleans corroded connections or alcohol to remove the corroded connections, I tried that with battery connections that get corroded and usually rubbing alcohol works (correct me if I’m wrong), if pilot is right.

I’m blind, yeah I did not even notice the burn mark until it was mentioned. That blown track seems to be near the cap, which uh… isn’t a good thing to say the least. Pilot is right about the water damage