I made a vector of the Cerberus logo

The Cerberus logo is one of my favorite logos ever, and since I couldn’t find any decent image of it online, I made a vector of it myself. I’m not sure how useful this could be, but I hope some of you folks find it cool. :slight_smile:


@cerbpyro feel free to adopt a new profile picture if you want… :sweat_smile:

Nice! I don’t think it uses that font though (what font it does use I’m not sure of however). Still, we could definitely use more accurate high-res recreations of various life safety companies’ logos for various purposes.

I agree, I’ll admit I was a bit lost with the font so I just used Arial Black and I thought it was close enough. I wish I knew the exact font they used, though!

Ah. I actually once thought it was the same font used in the System Sensor logo (which I’m actually not sure of either), but now I’m not sure. Here’s the biggest & highest-res version I once managed to find if this helps any (yes it has bits of white because I’m terrible at removing backgrounds with the image editor I use):

In my research and also practical experience I’ve found that Cerberus had two different logos, the ones with the “wavy tongues” (lol) and the ones with the “straight tongues” which, although less common, I find more sleek so I chose this one to recreate it.

The fonts are also all over the place, as you can see in the example picture I took from the Montreal Metro fire system. I also slightly modified the dogs’ eyes so they’d look more intimidating, I guess I couldn’t help but take some artistic liberty! :sweat_smile:

Oh yeah: thought I saw the straight-tongue logo somewhere before.

Yeah: some brands are that way: can’t keep their corporate fonts consistent (much to the chagrin of people like us).

Nothing wrong with that I guess but accuracy is also a good idea so that people know they’re using the same logo that a company actually used.

This variant of the logo is quite peculiar. I immediately thought of it upon seeing your vector. I’ve only seen it once (also on an annunciator in the Montréal Metro—this one was at the Champ-de-Mars station):

Cerberus Pyrotronics Fire Alarm Annunciator | Cerberus Pyrot… | Flickr

Your photo is the only other picture I’ve seen showing this variant of the logo. Given that the annunciators in our photos both feature unique locks and a different door design, I wonder if these enclosures were custom-made for the Metro (or if they’re perhaps a rare vandal-resistant model). This could perhaps explain why the logo is slightly different from the one that typically appears on Cerberus Pyrotronics devices.

You’re certainly not the only one who likes this logo. It’s always been one of my favourite fire alarm manufacturer logos, too. Coincidentally, earlier this week, I was chatting with another fire alarm enthusiast who was telling me how much he loves the way it looks on various fire alarm devices.

Interesting… I’ve only seen one variant of the Cerberus logo, that one (picture taken from internet), I don’t know if it’s region specific (Cerberus Guinard was the French branch of Cerberus)

sddefault (verbreurs2)

The tongues on the CG logo look like they’re wavy at the end, almost looking like a hook or a question mark put on its side.

According to the translator site DeepL “Guinard” apparently doesn’t mean anything in French, correct me if I’m wrong though. It seems weird that they would adopt a new name just for a branch of theirs instead of just using “Cerberus Pyrotronics” everywhere (DeepL also tells me that “Cerberus Pyrotronics” in French would be “Cerbère Pyrotronique”, each word translated individually at least).

Guinard was a company just like Pyrotronics was, unfortunately I don’t really know much about them besides that they also had a commercial partnership with Legrand.

Edit: Not so fast: https://press.siemens.com/fr/fr/communiquedepresse/lutte-contre-lincendie-60-ans-dexpertise-historique-pour-la-securite-des

According to that article, Guinard (known back then as “Pompes Guinard” manufactured various kinds of water pumps (notably, the kind found on fire trucks).

Anyways… This is probably the 3rd known variant of Cerberus’ logo, I have two Cerberus Detectors and they have a different logo as well, though it’s printed too small to be legible.