I need help with my truealarm

So my 2098-9757 is causing my 4010 to go into trouble, I have no idea why. Everything’s wired and programmed correctly it just keeps going into trouble.

The trouble displayed is

“Card 3, IDNet Card
Channel Failure. TROUBLE. 1/1”

If anyone can help me please do so, I’m trying to see if my truealarm is truly messed up.

I’m no expert with addressable systems but going by the “Channel Failure” part it seems like the SLC is dead on that card.

No, Carson, an IDNet Channel Failure trouble can mean a lot of different things, not that the SLC is dead…

It’s most likely that Nick has a faulty detector, one which is likely shorting the SLC. That’s the most common reason you’ll get a channel failure trouble.

Well maybe if such a trouble was more specific than just saying “Channel Failure” it’d be easier to know what the problem is.

The panels fine it’s just the smoke head I found out. Gotta buy another one