Interesting Pull Station

While on a trip to Yellowstone National Park I found this interesting pull station, and I have never seen this before. Anyone have any information or ever see this before anywhere else?

Those are Mircom MS-400 pullstations. They’re actually one of the most common pull around here.

“around here” being Canada.

It’s pretty random to see Mircom stuff in the states. Summit is Americas version and is part of the Mircom company.

Other companies have rebranded those stations in Canada including Notifier, Simplex, and Secutron. I’ve only come across Mircom once in PA, but I’ve actually seen a lot more in the south.

Just an FYI for you. Secutron is also Mircom.

I also believe that in some places in Canada, they have their pull stations in french as well.

I’m a newbie, I’m just learning all this stuff… LOL :shock:

The first generation of these pull stations (circa 1980s to early 1990s) was manufactured by Electro Vox and sold as the FM950 series, although I don’t know who makes them now since this company no longer exists. I actually have a two-stage Simplex version in my collection, model number FM950KE:

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There is a noticeable difference between both generations; I also own a second-generation Notifier-branded version from 2003, model number NFM-950KB, and the older FM950KE feels much heavier and more solid.

Fire alarm devices with French lettering only would mostly be seen in the province of Québec along with some areas of Ontario (such as Ottawa) with larger francophone populations. Here’s what one of these looks like with French lettering, although this one is also a Simplex-branded and is a slightly different version that resets in another manner:

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