Is this still good to use?

I got this pull but it’s a bit burnt from the sun


Bro :skull::skull::skull::skull: throw that shit out

And why exactly did you set that t-bar on fire?

I’m sure with a bit of paint it’ll be fine. It’s only slightly melted.

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Bro, why’s Carson always so serious :skull:


Ha, I know whats wrong with it, it ain’t got no gas in it.

It’s water powered, don’t worry

I just am, okay? Seems like to me that Nicolas set a perfectly good Simplex t-bar on fire for no reason.

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Too much gas

More rice

It’s for the memes. Microwaving it will fix it

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Just slap some duct tape on it and it’ll be good as new. :stuck_out_tongue:

It just needs the super power strength of Flex Tape!

That T-bar had ONE JOB!!! lol

If that’s the case I would’ve digitally distorted it to avoid damaging an actual device. No: microwaving will not fix it: if anything microwaving it would probably make it worse.

That was a joke. I’d be mad if he did it with a 4251, but idrc abt the 2099s, bc the plastic sucks

He’s always serious, he can’t find the joke

(if the pull station could think)
I think that pull station was feeling “hot, hot, hot”

That’s what I figured. Yeah, I guess that’s reasonable: even I prefer the 4251-series over the 2099/4099-series just because of the quality of the plastic & the design.

For the most part: sometimes I joke around though.

Pop a few air holes in it with a .45, that’ll solve the problem! :sunglasses:

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Placing it under a vehicle tire and driving over it should do the trick! It will look brand new; you won’t even know it was in dire condition!

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