is your area polluted with spectralerts?

Wasn’t that what broke on the SpectraLert a lot? I think thats why they switched to screws.

Yes. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought they switched from screws…

This is what the wall mount ones will look like. I have no idea when they will release them but it is supposed to be sometime in the first quarter of 2017. According to the sheet I read they are only updating the indoor wall and ceiling mount strobes and speaker strobes and not the outdoor ones, dual strobe devices, and the low frequency devices. They are also adding an 8" speaker (looks like a regular round PA speaker) that is listed for FA and MN use.


…and there i was thinking the LED TrueAlert ES was ugly. Otherwise, I hope it does an as good (or better) compared to the previous generations.

So are they going back to the Classic design then?

An ugly version it looks like.

I don’t think it looks that bad to be honest. I think the LED Genesis looks uglier.

How about we agree to disagree?

I think we have to wait until we see an actual production model before evaluating how it looks… even outside of fire alarm devices, computer drawings always make products look horrible, in my opinion.

The one thing I like about the current line is that the base covers both single gang and 4 square boxes. It is always a craps shoot as to what type of backboxes the electricians are going to mount on most jobs and this new line means you now have to pay attention to the box type. Nothing like calling your boss to tell him that you now have to reorder 100 devices because electricians put up 4 squares and you have a bunch of single gang mount devices…


I thought that’s when you just go out and buy those 4" to single gang adapters…

Can’t agree more there. I actually liked the LED ES’s design but it seemed more or less like a copy of the Genesis.

That happens all the time on my demo system, because I bought standard 4" boxes instead of the deeper ones. Now I have to go out and buy adapters all the time.

Can’t the 4 square devices be mounted on single gangs?

He’s talking the other way around, single gang on 4" boxes.

I know, but I was asking if the opposite also applies. If 4" square devices can be mounted on single gangs, then it would seem easier to just always use 4" square devices.

Im curious as to if the CHSR/W’s will be updated also?

From what I can gather, Honeywell and SSD will be changing the entire series…except for the speakers and low-frequency devices.