Hello, I’m looking for information on Thomas Industries Audibell signal bells that were made by the Benjamin Elect. Division of Thomas Industries in Sparta, TN.
They came in AC or DC types, and featured a tri-wing gong screw and a low profile design, and were made during the 1970’s up to the 1980’s.
They shared a mechanism design similar to Edwards Adaptabel line.
Does anyone have pictures of these or catalog sheets/data sheets, please?
Ed Burnett
Here are some Ebay pics i found when I searched up the Audibell
Hope this is what you are looking for!
That’s part of what I need, but I’m also looking for the installation sheet that tells how to install the bell.
Ed Burnett
Ok, let me see what I can find.
Thank you, I’d appreciate that.
Whether it’s a complete bell, or just the backplate,I’ll be grateful.
BTW: I found out the slot for the top tab can get broken inadvertently, it’s not terribly thick; I had to repair that on my 10" bell today.
The way the bell backplate goes on, it’s a little tricky to remove in one step after loosening the bottom screw.
Thank you, keep me posted.
Ed Burnett