Lost interest, but out of the blue started collecting again

It has been a few years since i lost interest in fire alarms, but for some reason a part of me wanted to collect again… here is my small collection, i dont plan on going much larger than what i have here, as half of the items are going to be used on a vintage edwards demo board i wil be building in the near future, and the other half will be displayed as cool vintage alarms :grinning:


That’s some nice stuff you got there.? I occasionally lose interest in collecting for a bit too


I haven’t really added to my collection all that much cause I need to rewire and I’ve run out of space to store more things lol


Update, i have a few more devices added to my collection including a fire-lite bg6 and a 2903-9101 strobe plate, but one that im really excited for is this old mirtone pull station which i used to have in my old collection, i found this interesting variant with a “per mar” branding which i have never seen before that will soon be in my possesion.


I used to work in the factory that made the 2280. I was building 6500s and 8500s and later ESA2000s There are still some 2280s out in the field.

Wow, thats really cool!

Per Mar? I thought they only installed security alarms and had guards. That looks vintage! Very cool!

Yes indeed you are are correct, i did some research and thats all i came up with, so it appears that back in the day they put their own branding on mirtone pull stations which is pretty cool, being that these mirtone pull stations can be somewhat hard to come by but most certainly not rare!

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Update, very excited to have just received my 2903 9101 strobe plate and 2801 9838 complete with back box!

Let me ask, did you work in the Owen Sound factory? Or one in the US?

Edwards is my all time favourite alarm manufacturer (as you can tell by my username). I think I got into this field because of the 6500. I’ll never forget in Grade 2, walking by the 6500 in front of our schools entrance, flashing to march time with the single stroke bells. To this day, been trying to find a 6504 card with no luck. I have a full 6500 I got from an upgrade we did at work. My old high school had one, but they replaced the system before I could ask for it.

Now my goal is to save as many old Edward systems I can aquire. I know of an empty medical facility near me with a massive ESA-2000 or possibly 8500 system, on the top of my list. I have never heard an 80s Edwards EVAC and really want to.

Owen Sound. It was the best place to work in terms of fun times and friendly work mates and decent management. Plus OS is right on Georgian Bay. There was NO USA company as far as I know until 1994 maybe?
6504 ?? Supervisory ?

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Yeah my boss used to work for them for a while, and we still use Kidde products, so we still deal with the Owen Sound facility quite often.

The 6504 card, as far as I know, is for the signal circuits, so they can ring at a 120BPM code. My elementary school and high school both had Edwards 6500 systems, one with 333-D bells, and the other with 24 series bells (have no clue how they ran those 4VDC bells off of the 6500), and they both had a 120BPM, or march time, coding.

Both have since been replaced, and I was super mad about my high school since it was my best bet and they got swindled into replacing a system that would last less than 3 or 4 years, as they are rebuilding a new school.