New system which utilizes the brand new Edwards/EST/Kidde/Vigilant/whatever LED series!!!
Birch First Daycare was built in 2002, and was a smallish building with 6 mid-sized rooms, 8 small rooms, a forum, a few office spaces, and a couple bathrooms. Currently, the system has a Kidde FX-5RD series panel, which replaced the older Edwards FireShield in 2019 due to a power surge. Lets take a look at the devices.
Smoke detectors are all Kidde V-PCOS installed in every single room, near fire doors, and every 10 feet in halls. Older Edwards SIGAs can be found disconnected in bathrooms mounted inches away from the new detectors. Many of the smaller rooms have them connected however. Pull stations are placed at every exit from hallways to rooms, being Edwards 270-SPOs left over from the previous system.
Hallways have Kidde 4x4 G4 Genesis horn/strobes, which are mounted on the original Integrity boxes. The vertical G1 horn/strobes are found in most rooms where the single-gang 202-7A-001 strobes were mounted. Larger rooms also have a G4 horn/strobe above a pull by the playground door. A G1 strobe is behind the front desk in the forum. Bathrooms and other areas have G1 strobes too, replacing the Integrity strobes. A single person restroom near the front door has an Integrity strobe. All meeting/office spaces have xenon Genesis strobes that had not gotten replaced.