My favourite fire alarm brands are Gent (pre-Honeywell though, post Honeywell Gent equipment is rubbish, Pre-Honeywell Gent equipment was actually high quality and was well made.) as they have a long history and legacy for a UK fire alarm manufacturer based in Leicester, England. Apollo Fire Detectors, Notifier, (specifically Notifier UK), Advanced Co (UK fire alarm manufacturer) and Protec (another UK fire alarm manufacturer).
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Mine is notifire here in theUS
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Nice, Notifier are quite big in the UK as well
Don’t we already have a topic like this? Why start another one?
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I wanted to see if anyone would mention some old brands and the other one was also for notification appliances, this one is just the companies.
Provided you’re referring to this topic that one is for everything: NAs, manual stations/call points, brands, panels, detector, etc.
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Yes, I am referring to that one
Well then like I said I’d say this topic is just redundant if we already have that one.
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OK, fair point, I kinda just didn’t want to find out what NA’s people liked, just fire alarm brands