I went to my local library with this older simplex system. Does anybody know the model of this simplex annunciator? I’ve tried looking anywhere I could and nothing.
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Chances are this was a 4208 or similar, but was upgraded to a 4100. Are there any strobes on this system?
Apologies for that late response. The system did not have any strobes.
That is a 4300 series annunciator, first designed for use with the 4208/4207 in the 1970s but was used with 2001/2120 systems in the 1980s as well. This appears to be a former 2001 system, probably installed in the mid 1980’s. Judging by the newer annunciator, the system seems to have been replaced by a 4100es within the past 10 or so years.
Very interesting! Thank you for the information.
No problem, happy to help.
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