So this is sort of a follow up from a post I made a couple years ago now showing my panels and some of my rarest alarm devices. I have decided, since I have acquired a lot of new panels since then, that I would make a new post showing everything. This is solely going to be control panels as I am honestly too lazy to rummage through my collection to pull devices out.
- Simplex 4100+
This was my most recent panel build project I took on in the beginning of last fall. I bought all of the parts from eBay and through the help of some very knowledgeable people, I was able to get this thing up and running with the ability to program. This project is not entirely complete yet as I am trying to hunt down parts for a voice bay that I hope to put in.
- Simplex 4020
Despite how much of a pain these panels can be as far as programming goes, 4020s have always been a bucket list panel of mine because of their ability to work with 4003 voice panels over RUI. Since I have a 4003, I am going to try to test out the spoken walk test feature once I program it in. Similar story to how I got the 4100+ where I had to buy the parts from eBay. You will notice this panel is in a 3 bay cabinet. I never knew 4020s came in 3 bay configurations until I saw this one a buddy got from a system upgrade and was nice enough to give it to me.
- Simplex 4100U
Another build project I’ve kinda pushed off to the side. I’m honestly not too crazy about newer simplex panels. Don’t get me wrong, they’re cool, but I prefer the older ones. No cabinet just yet, hopefully soon. Has a voice bay to go along with it
- Simplex 4010ES
Got this panel from a friend who saved it from scrap. This thing was actually never installed in a building and is in mint condition. Unfortunately, the CPU is having issues and will likely need to be replaced. Hopefully I can find one for a good price soon so I can get it working. It is an IDNAC model which is nice.
- Simplex 2001-8001
Some of you may have seen the recent post I did on this guy. If you did, you will know the interesting history behind it. It has 4 AC bell circuits in it so I can use either AC or DC powered horns with this system which is pretty cool.
- Simplex 4208
Also made a post about this one too a while back. Long story short, this particular panel is special because it is technically new old stock. Was never installed before and sat on a shelf its entire life. Is a little dirty on the outside, but the inside is pristine and includes the original manual. 1 zone and 3 AC bell circuits.
- Simplex 4002-8001
I’ve had a few 4002 panels over the years. This one is my largest one being a 4 unit model with 3 bays. Has 20 zones and 4 nacs.
- Simplex 2001-8023
This was my first panel build project I began in the spring of 2022. Took me a while to find all of the correct parts and get a working motherboard but it is finally finished. You will notice a few blank modules missing in the corner, those will be put back in. Set up with 14 zones and 4 nacs.
- Simplex 4246 and 4247
Manufactured in 1965 and 1969 respectively. The 4247 is the dual supervised version of the 4246 and also happens to have an aluminum board instead of an asbestos board. With the 4247 being newer, it also has a series of switches and lights on the door as opposed to a single reset button in the 4246. The 4246 is an “SU” model. Not sure what it stands for but it does feature an adjustable auto silence timer which is missing in the 4247.
- Simplex 4003 voice panel
Pretty self explanatory. Will be using this with my 4020 in the future because of the 4020s ability to communicate with this over RUI which allows for easier message programming and spoken walk test.
- Simplex 4010 (classic)
My first fire alarm panel. Thats probably the sole reason I haven’t sold this one. 4010s are a beast but there are just so many better options right now so there isn’t really anything special to say about it.
- Simplex 4005
Recently sold this to a friend. This is the panel I had to revive from the dead a few years ago due to its original components taking a lightning hit. Works like a charm now and will be in good hands.
- Simplex 4002
Just a smaller version of what you saw above. This one only has 8 zones and 2 nacs. No expansion cards. Will be posting this for sale soon.
- Simplex 2001-3080
This is the one I salvaged from an abandoned building 2 summers ago. Simple 4 zone 2 nac panel. Has some surface rust on the outside but works great. Also has been set aside for a trade.
- Simplex 4208AX
This panel is currently for sale on my eBay store. Very similar to the larger one I showed above only it is half the size and was pulled from a system. Still has its original diagrams and even has a spec book for some of the devices used.
I may post other things here eventually like annunciator panels and maybe some rare alarms worth showcasing but for now that’s all.