My Weird Dream

This post is not a joke, nor is any of it made up whatsoever, but I had a pretty weird dream last night relating to the Alertek i8005 (I’m guessing its because of that video where Robert “threw it” into a dumpster).

But anyway, me and some other guy (not sure who) traveled to wherever S.E.R. Safety’s S.E.R garage building thing was (although in the dream it was a large warehouse). For whatever reason, there were some of the original parts used to build the Alertek i8005 secretly being stored there (I have no idea why). But, we sneaked in and only found some of the parts (not all as they were pretty well hidden). I guess we were going to sell them or something for money as if they were some kind of super valuable goods. But somehow the other guy I was with set the place on fire by accident and then we had to steal some of Grant’s fire extinguishers to put out the fire before he was alerted to the fact that we were there.

This next part is kind of odd and somewhat ridiculous but when we finally got outside with the parts in hand, there were all of these deranged women asking us for food because they were hungry. The one woman came after me only to tell me that she was just fooling around and would leave me alone if I gave her some cash.

I woke up after that.


That was Robert, not Zach who threw it in the dumpster.

Oh okay I guess I didn’t notice