I am needing help in being able to identify a burned smoke detector from my rental property, which was made in 2009 and is labeled so on what appears to be the edge in all capital black letter printing. I have found these in UK, not the US so perhaps the labeling requirements there are different. The brands I have seen are Aico, including Sirius and Kidde made in the UK.
Also this alarm seems unusual in that there are 3 rows of raised plastic embossed writing on what appears to be the back , some of which I can interpret and some not. I have seen these made around that time by Pittway under the BRK label.
Here is the wording…
On the side
On what appears to be the back
A separate part was found, which appears to have 3 prong type parts. It seems possible that this could be a Piezo horn, circular battery head or quick connector. No battery electrodes or compartment was able to be seen on the X/R, though that is not a certainty due to the melted plastic. It was definitely hard wired into the wall with another X/R of the outlet box.
I would very much appreciate any information that any of you experts out there can give me! A link to the photos is below. Obviously, the next question would then be where can I get one of these at a reasonable price?
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Have you seen it before it was burned? If so, and you remember what it looks like, a sketch would help identify it.
Are there any other smoke detectors in the apartment/house that were interconnected?
To clarify, are you in the US or the UK?
It may have been manufactured before 2009 and the label was regarding replacing the detector in 2009. I would assume it’s residential as the 3-prong connector you found would be common with a residential detector.
Also, I moved this topic to the “Fire Alarm Help” forum as your topic fits better here.
Thanks so much for your prompt response! And for posting this in the proper place for me, too! To answer your questions…
No, I never saw it, as the property passed to me through my a death in my family. Long story here, but not able to get that answer from the tenants, either. And no photos that I’ve been able to find, either.
Evidently not, as no others have been found nor stated to be in place by the prior tenants.
I am in the U.S. and yes, it was in a residence.
I was not aware hat there was a label made to put on when replaced, interesting! Is this in both the US and UK? But then I am curious as to why it says MADE IN THE YEAR 2009. I had never seen one in the US with that wording, nor with it written on what appears to be the side rim. Have you?
p.s. I saw a couple of revisions that I need to make. First, there are 4 rows of raised, embossed lettering on the plastic, not 3 rows, as I previously stated incorrectly. Second, though the BRK model I mentioned did have raised lettering, it was not as extensive.
And importantly, thank you again for bringing to my attention that the label did not actual state that it was MADE in the year 2009, it only had the wording IN THE YEAR 2009. I had just made that assumption, which may be incorrect, that the beginning word would have been MADE. So you are absolutely right that perhaps it did say, not MADE, but REPLACE!! A very good point, thanks again!
Just wondering, what is your purpose for identifying this smoke detector? If it’s for insurance purposes, I would assume an insurance person would have the job of identifying it.
No, there is a threatened lawsuit by the former tenant, who stated there was no valid smoke alarm there. It has been proven to be there, wiring correct, etc., but I need to be able to identify it. Hope that explains it!