Need help with identification of melted 2009 smoke alarm

Thanks so much for your prompt response! And for posting this in the proper place for me, too! :slight_smile: To answer your questions…

  1. No, I never saw it, as the property passed to me through my a death in my family. Long story here, but not able to get that answer from the tenants, either. And no photos that I’ve been able to find, either.
  2. Evidently not, as no others have been found nor stated to be in place by the prior tenants.
  3. I am in the U.S. and yes, it was in a residence.

I was not aware hat there was a label made to put on when replaced, interesting! Is this in both the US and UK? But then I am curious as to why it says MADE IN THE YEAR 2009. I had never seen one in the US with that wording, nor with it written on what appears to be the side rim. Have you?

Were you able to see the photos okay in the link?

Thanks again!
