New addressable Simplex T-bar pulls!

Today I was in Boston to do some browsing and shopping around. South Station had opened a new little restaurant/tavern, and I also decided to check out the brand new Roche Bros. supermarket that was opened in the Downtown Crossing area. They had newer Simplex fire alarm devices (though these were most likely built into existing systems; South Station already has a huge 4100U setup), and at first I didn’t really pay much attention to the pull stations (typical single-action Simplex T-bars, at first glance), until I noticed something blink on one. I got a closer look, and saw that it was actually a new model! Here’s the product sheet for them…
They even have new model numbers, and they come with LED indicators, very much like Honeywell’s addressable pulls do. The Simplex logo was also changed on them, for the third time (or fourth, if you count the older 4251-series T-bar pulls.) They are designed so they can be used not only on the newest addressable Simplex systems, but on older MAPNET II systems as well. And they’re still making the break-glass version, even though all they’ll probably be used for is to replace older break-glass pulls with (like the 4251-30.)

From what I saw, the conventional 2099-series pulls are also getting the new Simplex logo as well, but their model numbers aren’t going to change; they’ll be pretty much the same as they have been since 1991…

Brand new pull and it looks like they already spilled paint on it…

Nice to finally see a Simplex device with the newer version of their logo on it. It’s interesting to see Simplex create a backwards compatible device for addressable systems. In this case, like you mentioned, it’s backwards compatible with the MAPNET II systems. Also, I cannot forget the LED. Definitely useful for an indication of device polling.

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they continued to make the break glass version for this purpose. Additionally, it would be interesting to see a new system install with the break glass pull stations on it.

There is a break glass LED tbar.

Pretty neat! I find it interesting that they now also offer models with Portuguese and Spanish lettering, just like the BG-12.

The make a wide variety of styles with this addressable system style. See the data sheet for more information.