Hey guys, i’m a beginner looking to get my first fire alarm panel for my birthday. I want to get a basic Silent Knight SK-4 or Fire Lite MS-4. Which one should I get? Silent Knight or Fire Lite? Also will I need any additional parts besides alarms? I also want to get a rundown of what brands will work with this panel. I wanted to do a setup with a simplex T bar. EST 202 Strobe, and an EST Genesis horn strobe. I am also going to get a pair of System Sensor I3 smoke detectors. However, should I do 2 wire or 4 wire? Thanks again for the responses and I am glad that I can get some help as I am fairly new to the fire alarm community.
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Both panels are technologically identical to each other. The only difference is the branding on the bezel, and the color scheme of the cabinet. I’d get the one that’s least expensive. But remember, they are EXACTLY alike.
To answer your second question, you will need some pull stations to activate the panel, a horn/strobe or two to sound the alarm, and a few 4.7k resistors for zone supervisory. For a list of devices that will work with an MS-4, click http://www.firelite.com/manuals/15384.pdf here.
2-wire or 4-wire:There’s no difference in the operation of the two, just the 4-wire models get their power from the 24VDC resettable power on the main board.
Your current devices will work on an MS-4. However, NEVER hook up newer (1994+) Simplex devices to an MS-4! They will die, due to the FWR current the NACs output.
Did you read Destin’s topic yet?
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