New to this site, wanted to show my collection

All of my AC powered horn/bells.

In order top to bottom, left to right

-Wheelock AW-1 Duo Potential Signal 110VAC

-IBM 4030-1B 24VAC

-Sperti-Faraday Type 2/121-S 120VAC

-Edwards 372-A Adaptahorn 120VAC

-Benjamin Electric N-8546 115VAC

-Holtzer Cabot ‘Reacto’ Horn 110VAC

-IBM 4032-1 115VAC (rebranded Edwards 311)

-Edwards 374 Adaptahorn 115VAC

-Edwards 360-A Adaptahorn 10VAC

-Faraday 6110 24VAC

-Simplex 4050 24VAC

-Standard Electric Time 5-350 12VAC

-Edwards 340 Adpatabel 24VAC

-Potter PBA 1206 120VAC

Apologies for the long post, will attempt to post short blasts for each of the horns/bells.


Wow! That’s a pretty nice collection u got there

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Welcome to The Fire Panel Forums! I must say, that’s quite an impressive collection of AC horns there (plus the two bells of course): heck I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that one IBM horn (at least if that’s what it is) in black (& I’ve definitely never seen a Wheelock “dual-projector” horn like that one in real life either).

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Thank you! In regards to the black IBM horn, I’ve seen many with Edwards tags so I believe that mine might be rebranded, and for the dual Wheelock horn, I don’t know that much about that era of Wheelock besides this manual/catalog that I found

You’re welcome!

Edwards? I forget what companies I’ve seen on that horn (aside from IBM like you said), but I don’t recall Edwards ever rebranding them.

Yeah, same here: the only place I’ve ever seen them is in a Wheelock product catalog, heck you may be the first member to have one! (the link you posted doesn’t work for some reason though)

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Apologies for the link i thought that would work. To find it search “Signal Engineering and MFG Co.”
I assume that’s the people who actually built the signals.

Welcome to The Fire Panel! That is a neat collection of bells and horns!

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Ah okay, thanks.

To clarify: I mean the black horn in the 2nd row (not including the single horns at the very top) on the leftmost side.

Ah yes, the IBM, I’ve only ever seen that specific horn branded by Edwards which gives me the conclusion that these horns were the predecessors to the Adaptahorns but I only recently found out in a YouTube video that IBM rebranded them as well.

Here’s an example I found on eBay

Welcome to the forums! That is a very impressive collection to have. It just so happens I have an Edwards 372-A Adaptahorn in my collection as well, plus an Edwards 311 with the projector attachment. I also have SCAM Instrument Corp., Faraday, and Federal Signal-branded versions of your 4050 and 5-350.

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Thank you! Also do you happen to have a photo of your Edwards 311? I’ve always been fascinated by those horns.

Here it is:

For the record, this horn was painted over by a previous owner when I bought it from an antique store.


That thing is ancient!


Very nice! Shame that the tag is covered up.

Welcome to the forums! You’ve got a nice collection! I love that Wheelock horn. I didn’t even know that they made them.

Thank you! I believe this was Wheelock’s first series of signals before the modern ones but I don’t know much about that era.