This is a simplex noncoded pull station.
#1: What’s its model number, do you know?
#2: What does the key switch on the front do exactly?
#3: It doesn’t have a Simplex sticker at the top, so how do you know it’s a Simplex one? (since other companies like Faraday & S.H. Couch branded those kind too)
I believe that’s the 4263-1 pull. (Or, that might be the coded version, I didn’t know they came in non-coded.) The key switch is probably for testing, and it looks like it’s for the Simplex 454-101 key, also known as “notched” or T-key, or around here we just call it a duct detector key. (Because that’s the key used for the test switch.)
I’ve never actually seen one of these pulls, I’m guessing that’s a rare find!
hey! so the model # is 4252-112
i believe the key switch would have been for general alarm and it has sh couch stamps EVERYWHERE on the castings , however
They do! (though the only such model I know is an S.H. Couch one (well, Simplex too now I guess going by the existence of Galon’s).
You better believe it!
Ah okay, not sure I know that one.
Maybe, yeah.
Those might mean that S.H. Couch originally made the station & thus that the Ellenco, Faraday, & Simplex versions are all rebrands.