North americans with european models

Not a rant this time! I wanna hear you guys knowledge on “foreign” alarms and reply with a model of your favourite alarm and reason and least favourite with reason.

My favorite kind of european style alarm would be the Roshini/Fulleon sounders as they are quite customizable with the sound selector and are a nice little circle that would also blend in well with american buildings. It’s strobe may not be that bright but it’s functionality on the inside is similar to a Wheelock MT or Eluxa ELMTSR.

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Nice. They are actually called “roshni” and not “roshini” and fulleon is actually owned by cooper eaton like wheelock is! It is also my first alarm and i have seen many of them.

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if Eaton were to make an Eluxa version of it then it would be the model ELRoLP and then use the same shell cover as the speaker strobes

I also like these sounders, so much so that I bought one from Ebay! I was fascinated by the Alarms of the region when I took my trip to the UK in 2022, and bought one when I was there, Im going to upload the Unboxing video (part of my archive series), in the next few weeks


@MrFireAlarm they are good sounders the Roshni sounders are, no wonder they still make them since they were released in the 1980s