Great scott, you’re great! (Not!) I spit it hot and generate way more power than 1.21 gigawatts!
Also, this year marks Back to the Future’s 30th anniversary! OSU is going to be doing a Back to the Future marching show to celebrate later this season. I’m so excited!
Of course, everyone’s seen that classic picture of a Sigcom pull station with sticky notes on it. “Candy Machine: Pull for delicious candy!”
Here is a rather strange pull station from my workplace. While it’s perhaps not the oddest device out there, I wouldn’t be surprised if this pull station is the only one of its kind in existence due to a minor manufacturing error. Despite the bilingual “FEU - FIRE” lettering on the station’s body, it has been fitted with a unilingual French handle (the handle should read “ TIREZ - PULL” instead of “ABAISSEZ”).