Pulling the fire alarm in a non-fire emergency

Back on topic please folks.

Can you Please tell me what is going on? posts are disappearing and then coming back

Destin, you asked for people to please drop it, and I am trying to help you. Why do you keep brining it back up?

I don’t think that I would be pulling a fire alarm in a now fire emergency. If something did go down, I would probably scream or go for help.

I would prefer screaming for help, or yelling “FIRE!” Great thought, though I don’t think pulling the alarm would be the best choice in the world.

The only thing even close to that is one time when a terrible car accident occurred outside my house in 2007. I didn’t really know how to describe it at the time, so I just went and pulled the Gamewell master box on a telephone pole next to my house. (We still use them in Brockton; the one I mentioned was installed in 2003 replacing a model from the 1910s/1920s!)
The fire department said I did the right thing, but next time I should stick with using the telephone unless it’s an actual fire.

The only time I would find myself pulling the fire alarm on an actual building system would be if I discovered an actual fire.

Box’s on the poles are called “street box’s.” Master box’s are attached to fire alarm systems with a local energy or shunt type coil activated by the fire alarm panel.

You did in fact do the correct thing. Pulling the box will get you a response instantly. They can typically be relied upon when phones are out of service or not accessible.

However, typically one describes a car accident using the address (IE; your house address) followed by “there has been a bad car accident I don’t know anything more” would suffice.