Pyrotronics SYSTEM 3!

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Holy crap that’s a huge System 3! Also funny how that tiny Silent Knight SK-5104/SK-5104B is next to it: a small panel that can actually do less than the big panel that’s beside it!

itty bitty blue panel

Wow! The only other panel that big that I’ve seen pictures of was the panel at the WTC.

That was actually several panels networked together, several Cerberus Pyrotronics MXLs specifically.

It’s probably an after-market dialer

I know for a fact that it’s a Silent Knight SK-5104(B) (especially given the Silent Knight 5230 annunciator hooked to it), take a look for yourself if you don’t believe me:

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That’s a huge panel! Why is there a chair next to the panel? Does someone sit there and stare at it and get paid to just stare at a panel 24/7?

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No need to be so condescending, Carson. It was probably added as a dialer much later because maybe the original system didn’t have one

I was just surprised that you didn’t recognize it as an SK-5104(B), but yeah, you’re probably right about that.

Start looking for fire museums to donate the system to. Is the system up for replacement anytime soon?

I love working on system 3 panels.

do you crawl around on the inevitable tangle of wires inside like a spider?