Ok thanks I figured it was from at least 1977. I was 4 when that was made. You will have to at some point make a video of it. Again thanks for sharing. Those alarms actually weren’t rare around that time period ('77 and '78) because as I said my neighbour behind me had two of those units in her house. A few other neighbours of mine up the street had them in their houses two. From what I learned on here that was a second version of this unit that looked the same only it had vents on the side and a piezo horn instead of a squealer. And later on in the early 1980’s a much smaller looking version of this unit without side vents was made also with a piezo. My aunt had the last unit in her house although I never once heard it go off. It is amazing how many different smoke alarms were around back then.
Haven’t been on here in a while…I remember when those Sears alarms were on ebay, the battery powered one is a Fyrnetics F900-D rebrand and the plug-in one is a First Alert SA769 rebrand. Also your Jameson Code One is a FireX rebrand. The GE with the black sensor is odd, Black & Decker used the black GE-style sensor mostly. I was gonna buy the Montgomery Ward alarm but it was too expensive for me at the time, and now that I’ve seen pictures of the inside, it’s a confirmed SA76RS rebrand. I also like the 3 907A2’s and the Teledyne/Water Pik (those are very popular on ebay!) You got a good collection there!
Thanks, you’ve got some good stuff in your collection too. I just added another one that I couldn’t pass up when I saw it on eBay, a GE Home Sentry 8202-001 (120 VAC version) which came in the box, but without any paperwork (I suspect it was installed, than put back in the box when replaced).
The front of the detector:
The insides:
The sensing chamber and test button: I believe this is an older unit as the other Home Sentries I have use the slotted chamber.
The Edwards horn: Not sure yet if it’s a squealer type or AC buzzer type, I’ll power it up for a test later today.
all 4 of my home Sentries together: from top left going right, 8202-001, 8201-301, 8201-201, and SMK6/M1
The GE H.S. 120v that you have has some VERY unique features! First, it has the earlier sensor with the holes at the top. GameAlarm on youtube said that only the earliest 12.6 volt ones used that sensor. His 120v unit has the common metal sensor with the 3 vents and his also has a regular squealer horn and it had a different model number: 8205-0. Yours has an Edwards horn, which was in the same 12.6v models as the ones with your sensor. My Honeywell has the Edwards horn and its a squealer type horn so that must be a squealer horn (I’ve never seen/heard an Edwards horn that sounds like a FireX for example). Yours must be a rare earlier one! And I suspected that because of the different model number. Also the later rectangular GE was model 8201-401C. Does it do the fast “warble” tone or the 5/6? I suspect some very late ones did the 5/6 rather than the “warble” which was very common for those. SMK6D was Black and Decker’s model. good to see the 4 H.S. series alarms together. Now you just need to find the line-cord plug in model and you’ll have all five! Surprisingly I didn’t catch that GE H.S. on ebay! There was an 8201-401C that SirensOfCincinnati bought yesterday. I’ve always wanted the one of the square ones since they look so cool. All I have right now is the 8201-401C but I won’t give up!
http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-HONEYWELL-SMOKE-FIRE-DETECTOR-PLUG-IN-MODEL-CD100A-UL-LISTED-1978-USA-/111818697924?hash=item1a08e9ecc4:g:BlUAAOSwQoFWPk2F - Honeywell CD100 - Line Cord powered.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/LITE-A-LIFE-SMOKE-ALARM-DETECTOR-with-Escape-and-Rescue-Lights-Model-PSA-100-/291611438389?hash=item43e5656d35:g:pjcAAOSw5ZBWPru4 - Lite - A - Life smoke alarm/escape/flashlight combo from the mid 80’s, uses Fyrnetics components.
I saw that CD100A and I thought it was a TC49D at first. I guess the CD100A is the line-cord version of the hardwired TC49D and the battery CD200A
Was at my church today and for the first time I noticed on the ceiling there is an old vintage square Westclox smoke signal detector in the food market room. I have been attending the church for a year an only noticed this today however I was unable to get a pic of it. This unit has a constant red light in the centre of it so I do believe this is the AC or system unit of the alarm. This appears to be the only alarm of that vintage in the church as all other fire alarms and smoke detectors are an updated system. Fire Alarm Fan again you are the detector expert so you would likely know if it is the AC or battery unit. My parents had the battery unit in their old house. That one didn’t have a light.
I’d assume it’s an AC unit. Not that familiar with the Westclox alarms since AFAIK they weren’t available here in the States, or if they were they were very limited availability. Definitely get a pic of it.
Found these on ye olde Bayith of E
A bit pricey but if anyone’s looking for one. There was 8 available until the other night when one decided to fall into a box with my name on it, but there’s still 7 more available.
and these as well
Yes, I snagged one, but there’s still one left.
I also picked up this new in the box Sears Early One 439.57301
close up of warning label on sensing chamber
Haven’t tested it yet, I plan on doing so tomorrow.
Nice find. Almost like the one my parents had in their old house except it theirs didn’t have the holes in the inside of the vents or the vents on the outer part of the cover. Is that date code say it is from 1978? I see the first two numbers are 78. I take it this has a high pitched squeal? That is the noise my parents detector made.
I also forgot to mention the one they had the test button was where the vents are not on the inner part where the holes are so this must be the one based on the First Alert unit. I think the one my parents had was based on the Fyrnetics one. Very interest indeed.
Sorry for the multiple replies but I didn’t see your reply to my post about the Westclox unit until now. I will try to get a pic of it when I am there next month as Im only at the food market once a month. I will have to ask too if I can get a pic of it too. I am going to mention I have a big time interest in vintage smoke alarms and I am pretty sure they would understand. Im also going to mention to them that it should be replaced and if they do save the alarm for me. If it is an AC unit it will be my second AC unit. I have a Nortron unit that is also AC. No date code that I can find but my guess is it was made between 1977 and 1980 since the unit has a brass horn. This westclox unit looks exactly like the battery unit except it has a light in the middle. The alarms in away resembled speakers and were bulky. The Westclox units were popular in Canada in the mid to late 1970s and even the very early part of the 1980s. Nowadays they are impossible to find even on ebay. Just like the Dicon unit from around the same era that Fire Alarm Fan’s Oster smoke alarm is based on.
Seems like there’s been a wave of rarer smoke popping up lately. The SMK6 does the rapid warble. The 8202-001’s horn is indeed a squealer horn (fairly loud too). I’ll have a video of all my newest smokes up in the next few days.
Yes please get a pic of the Westclox detector. I’ve never seen one in person let alone an AC unit.
Love the BRK SA769AC on ebay, might consider getting that one. And I already have a Lifesaver Fyrnetics 1200 so I’ll let someone else get that. Also the Sears that you recently got looks like a Cerberus rebrand.
I will definitely try my best to get a pic of the westclox unit. I have seen many of them but that was the first A/C unit i have ever seen. I guess they were only available in Canada. But from around 1975 to about 1981 these alarms were very popular here in Canada. My parents had one in their old house. I also remember seeing a few units at a building at a Girl Guide camp I attended in the mid 1980’s. I will likely have to get permission to take the pic but they know me there so if I explain I have an interest in vintage detectors and I have started a small (only 2 so far) collection Im sure they will understand. The westclox units were all square shaped as well. If there was a round one I have never seen one.
My Grandmother (my Dad’s side) also had a Westclox unit in her house as well. I have tried to look these up online and Im shocked that there isn’t alot of info on them. Only info on clocks which is what Westclox is known for. I guess smoke detectors were something they experimented with and never went anywhere? I could be wrong. But amazingly these units were still popular around the 1975-1981 time period in Canada. Im still searching though. These units have only appeared on Ebay a couple of times. Anyone on this forum knows anyone who has one and is trying to get rid of it (battery unit preferred) or knows of these units as well, I would gladly take it off their hands.
Here is a pic I found online. Not of the Westclox unit but of two other vintage unit. I think the square unit is an old Smoke Gard but I could be wrong and the other one appears to be either a very old First Alert or a BRK unit. This pic is from 1977. Smokes back then were quite interesting even though they sounded awful but at least they got one’s attention went they went
off. Please let me know if you can view the pic by clicking on the link as I am still new to doing this. Thanks.
Hey guys, I found a pic of the Westclox smoke detector (battery unit). This is the one my parents had in their old house. The AC version I saw at my church the other day looks exactly like this except there is a red light in the centre of the detectors cover. Like most older alarms the only way this could be tested was to use real smoke. It does in a way look like speaker. So for anyone who has never seen one of these units here, you have now. Hope the link works.
Funny you should mention that, I happen to see this on the label:
Oddly it did a pulse signal instead of the usual continuous buzz. Now it also chirped at me after having the battery in for a few minutes, so I’ll try it again with a new battery to see if it still pulses.
Doesn’t it have a brass horn though? I thought it did and all detectors with brass horns did a continuous buzz or squealing noise. Does it sound like a piezo? Or still have a buzzing tone just with a pulsing? Have you posted any videos yet as well? Can’t wait to see them.