remote strobes.

Anyone here who used to think that remote strobes in bathrooms were more than just strobes?

No? Since elementary school I’ve known the difference between horn/strobes and remote strobes. Also, don’t we have a thread like this already?

Yup. Pretty much messed up elementary school for me. I would NOT go to the bathroom at all.

Wierd story for me…

My first elementary school had a Simplex horn on an incandescent Simplex light plate, so I knew that made noise. My second elementary school had a Simplex TrueAlert remote strobe, but I knew it was just a strobe once the fire alarm went off when I was in there. I didn’t go to the restroom in any other school before learning a lot about fire alarms. So, I don’t know. I didn’t pay too much attention to the fire alarms in public places when I was younger, and I didn’t really think about it, either

I haven’t seen a remote strobe since elementary school 9 years ago though.