Replacing a simplex 4010 (not es)

I need to replace a simplex 4010 panel because the negative ground fault is in the board. Im told they cant get a new panel and nothing will upgrade with our present detectors.
what are my options. a complete new system iss
not an option for our church. Anyone know if a 4010 ES would be compatible.

A 4010ES should work as a replacement. It works with the same peripheral devices (including smoke detectors) that the 4010 works with.

I honestly wish you could stick with the 4010 as it’s from the pre-JCI era of Simplex (in my opinion JCI has ruined Simplex), but in actual life safety systems you obviously can’t be doing stuff like that. There’s always switching to a different brand entirely but I’m sure that’s not an option either given how expensive & time-consuming that would be (since all the devices would have to be replaced).

Are you using simplex for service? If so they can do a direct replacement with a 4010es panel. If you’re not using simplex unfortunately an entire system replacement will have to take place as the data protocols for the detectors are different from brand to brand. Most likely your system uses proprietary horn strobes as well so those will also unfortunately have to be replaced. There’s also always the option of getting a NOS or used 4010 board but because of different rules depending on jurisdictions most likely you won’t be allowed to do any fixing yourself.