Replacing Notifier System with Silent Knight System

We are replacing a Notifier 640 with an SK 6820.

This is in a jail and has 24-7 firewatch. As you can imagine the wiring in this place is concrete embedded so running a parallel set of wires is not really an option.

Has anyone ever installed a Silent Knight panel onto an SLC loop that contains Notifier addressable devices?

Our thought process is to take one SLC loop at a time and move it over to the SK and replace devices one at a time on the loop, but wasn’t sure if there would be any issues other than a ton of unidentified devices from the Notifier System.

I know it’s a crazy one but any insight would be appreciated.

It won’t hurt the devices or panel if that’s what you’re asking. Different brand devices aren’t compatible of course, but if you’re going by to replace them one at a time, especially since I can imagine it’s difficult to work through a jail.

If your plan is to have the loop powered while you replace, you could be prone to some odd software things. For example, an FSP-851 is essentially the same device as an SK-PHOTO. Putting up a new device with the same address as another on the loop may cause you headache.

Thanks so much Zach!

Great insight.