Roosevelt High School building, Eastern Michigan University Old Edwards System!

Old Edwards System! The system contains of Edwards (Fire Horn) Abaptahorn No.374s and Old Style Edwards Local Alarm 270 SPO’s. This system is still in service to this day.

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That is crazy that it’s still in service!

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What’s the control panel

Didn’t see one. I don’t think they have one.

Wow that is an old system

I can’t believe that is still in service, Nice Pictures!

I like how they say fire horn on the front

I’ve read on the EMU Board of Regents agendas and minutes that renovating Roosevelt Hall seems to be a top priority for the university to undertake. With any luck, maybe you can salvage the entire system! In case you didn’t know, the last time I was in there (almost ten years ago), I recall seeing 4" Adaptabels in the basement.

You are correct on that! I’ll see what I can do regarding the system too, might know a way to obtain it.