Hello. I am posting a suggestion, that suggestion being the addition of a Dark Theme. I think it should be accessed by the User Control Panel, I feel that this suggestion may be good for those who use Dark Theme, such as myself. There should be a “System Default” which is, If your device uses dark mode, then the site should be Dark Mode. If this is not possible, can a Dark/Light theme be added without the “System Default”?
Hi! This is a feature we absolutely want to have, unfortunately we are currently limited to the theme creator which allows either dark or light mode, but currently not both. I’ll reach out, I wish we could utilize auto-dark mode similarly to how it’s done on my website, which utilizes the browser’s settings.
Hope we can have it eventually!
We are working on a future update that WILL have the option to choose light or dark mode!
With the new forums, dark mode is now available! You can turn it on in your user preferences!
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