Siemens MXL fire panels trouble

Good morning all,

Our mxl siemens fire panels displays as trouble UL REQUIREMENT NOT USED AUDIBLE LOOP CIRCUIT OPEN, and I don’t know where the problem comes from, yet all our materials are UL listed and all devices work fine even the EOL is ok. if anyone could help me i would be very happy. thank you

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what class is the NAC and which NAC does the trouble originate from?

thank you for your answer, the NAC is in class B and the problem comes from the audible circuit i think (output devices = 7 strobe horn light with the last one EOL resistance 2.2 kOhm)

this is what appears on the panel


does the NAC loop back to the panel after the ELR?

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No the loop doesn’t back to the panel after EOL !

that’s what’s causing the trouble, you’re using a class A NAC as a class B, there should be 2 terminals next to where the nac is where you can connect the loop back, I can show you where if you send a photo of the NAC terminals

Nop i said that after the last device with the EOL the circuit is not coming back to the panel so as i know thats a Class B system right ? I have also a minus ground fault to my MMB card without any other cable so maybe it’s the card problem. Sorry for my english hope you understand !

I think the problem is that it should be wired as class A, not Class B

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Which would be why it says “UL REQUIREMENT-NOT USED”

But you should probably try replacing the card