Hi Experts,

I have a Siemens Firefinder XLS panel that was equipped with the RPM module,
I want to be able to interface the RPM to a 3rd party software for monitoring purpose using the RPM RS-232 interface ,
However, I have no clue about the FSI (Foreign System Interface) protocol,

Can anyone share the FSI protocol documentation?

so that I can interpret the messages received from the RPM.

Your help will be much appreciated.


Manual for the RPM module, that’s all I’ve got.
315-033270-12.pdf (137.2 KB)

Dear Ernest,

Thank you for your support,
I do have this manual, but the problem is that it doesn’t provide details about the FSI protocol and how I can read its telegrams in my software.

do you have further details?

I didn’t, but a quick google turned up this

As for anything past that I have no more info.

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I really appreciate your efforts,
Still this document doesn’t provide the prtocol description.
But thanks.