Silent Knight 5104B help

Hello my name is Noah! I recently purchased the Silent Knight 5104B. This panel is great, except when I plug it in no matter what it gives me the trouble alarm. I read through some of the earlier posts on this topic, and you said you can fool the system into think that it has a telephone line hooked into it. I did that except it gives me the yellow light. And the on board alarm sounds. Also, after I silence it when the alarm comes back on, then the fire alarms spontaineously turn on without me pulling a pull station. Can you please help me! Thanks!! :smiley:

Hi Noah, welcome to the forums!

I went ahead and split your post into its own new topic. Hopefully someone should be able to offer you some assistance!

If anybody needs to reference the old topic mentioned above, it is available here: Silent Knight 5104B help

Reminds me of MY panel!

Could you give us a little more information?

  1. Where did you get the panel?
  2. What kind of shape is the panel in?
  3. Is there a 12 volt sealed lead acid battery installed?
  4. How did you try to fool the panel into thinking it has a phone line?
  5. Which terminals are you using to hook up notification appliances and initiating devices?
  6. Which terminals have jumpers or resistors across them?
  7. Do you have a 5230 programming annunciator?
  8. Do you have/have you read the manual? Always a good place to start so you don’t accidentally wire the terminals incorrectly.

This info will help us get a better idea of what type of trouble the panel is reporting. Also, the 5104B, as I’m sure you’ve read, is a purpose built dialer, not intended as a true FACP, so expect some degree of frustration trying to interpret the trouble LEDs and basic indicators.

You may feel free to look at MY topic discussion of MY 5104B for that information, it’s better to just lead you to where the information already is rather than have to talk about it all over again! I don’t have proper recording material to record my problem

This topic does not involve the issue you are experiencing with your panel. Please allow the OP to answer these questions himself, as your situations are likely not the same.

Thank you.

Right, sorry

Hi all!! haven’t been on the forums in a while. I also recently purchased a SK 5104B. I have the 5230 key pad and have messed with the programming a little bit. I have the panel in normal condition, and have run phone lines into my panel from my home phone. It has my cell phone programmed into both phone lines. A couple of the issues I have with it is that it does its daily test and does successfully dial out to my cell phone but then goes into “dialer trouble” since its not getting a response from the central station. Is there anything I can do to either abort the daily test or something I can do on my cell phone to acknowledge the call so that the panel is satisfied that it delivered it’s daily test if there isn’t a backdoor programming thing I can do to abort the test? I have begun to play with the reporting formats thinking that one of the 8 or so reporting formats may be better, though I don’t know which ones , if any might be better.
The other issue I have is one of the zones has a smoke detector on it, which I can’t get to activate by either the canned smoke or the manual test method. The zone it is on is normal, and the smoke detector is new out of the box and on the compatibility document from silent knight. One of the other zones has a heat detector and a pull station on it, these work fine. I had all three devices on one zone and all worked except for the smoke detector. I put the smoke detector on it’s own zone and it still doesn’t trip. The panel is completely normal and no troubles until it does its daily test to call the central station.
Is anybody able to help? I know these aren’t meant to be a full fire alarm control panels, but I do like the keypad function and its ease of programming.

Here are a couple photos of my 5104B before I had everything hooked up. !