Simplex 4004 programing

Any videos showing step by step procedure on an active system. I am dealing with an active system that has some issues. Prints on file with fire dept. show 5 zones.
Zone-1 first floor. 2 second floor 3 sprinkler with flow switches 4 sprinkler flow switches
5 sprinkler tamper switches & piv in outdoor vault
I have tried but can’t seem to account for any except 1 and 2 .
Have had many false alarms show nearly always zone 1 but fire dept says 2 detector showing fault. Have had incorrect wiring outside of supplied wire diagram on file with fire dept. have had simplex on site so many times with little to no success. No explanation of what was done, even fire dept is not liking paperwork supplied on testing and repairs. Had found, what was on paperwork with fire dept, a problem called " bad tee". No tees of any kind are indicated on prints. A pissing match ensued between owner, simplex and electrician who wired. Lawsuit was threatened by owner and simplex backed down. Still no resolve of any issues with system problems. Owner wants something done but is always up against simplex and the huge amount of money charged for repairs of what has never worked since day one.

Sorry, there are no “how to” videos for a 4004.

The label on the inside of the door has the programming instructions for the 4004. That label also has the explanation of the trouble codes that show in the yellow display.