So a few moments ago, I was hitting some wires connected to the panel and the 4005 briefly gave a Signal Power Trouble. The wires were zone wires and a orange power wire connected to the outlet below the panel. I have no idea what this trouble is and if it could occur again?
I can’t pay for a replacement. Hopefully this is nothing serious
I’d wait for confirmation from Retired STR-SG, but to me it sounds like the power wires got bumped and something came loose for a split second. There isn’t much in the 4005 manual but again, I’m sure Mr. STR-SG has more info on it.
I have stated this many times on this forum, but will say it again.
Power down the system before working on the wiring!
You said the trouble was momentary. Usually that means some spike got into the system. In this case it was zone wiring and some orange wire going to a socket below the panel. Is the orange wire the 120 Volt AC power coming into the panel? If the trouble was momentary and does not come back you are OK. In the future shut down the panel before doing any wiring work.
The power input wiring and low voltage system wiring should always have separation. The drawing below from the installation instructions shows the non-power limited wiring area. Low voltage system wiring should be kept out of that area. 120 VAC wiring should be kept out of the upper area of the panel. System wiring and 120 VAC power or other NPL wiring should not go through the same conduit or knockout hole.
I went through the pictures posted previously. I found some messy wiring that should be corrected. The cable going to the power terminals in the picture below has a lot of shield material showing. The silver side of that foil shield is conductive! If it touches components on the zone board below you may be shopping for a replacement. All your wiring should be done in a workman like manner. Cut off unused shield foil and other fragments and tape the end or put some heat shrink over the end.
Retired STR-SG,
The panel wasn’t being worked on when this happened. The orange cable is the 120v extension cord and is going in through the bottom knockout. The zone wiring is going into the top conduit knockout and does not cross into 120v wiring. The system is not conduit-ed due to regulatory restrictions with the property I live in (Single Family Home, not so supportive occupants). The wire I hit was actually the NAC cables going into the iO panel and below that is excess of the extension cord wire going into the 4005, which was also knicked. Based on your description of the trouble, I have identified a potential wiring hazard that could have caused a spike and have corrected it.
The picture you posted with the red shielded cable, was removed a while ago when I decided to use all horn/strobes for my system. I did not know the shielding was conductive and I thank you for that info.