I have a Simplex 4010 that I want to remove the SDACT so I can make program changes. System currently has a starlink radio connected to the dialer for dialer capture. Once I remove the SDACT I will connect the starlink for general alarm, general trouble, and supervisory via relays.
I did this once before but do not remember how to do it.
By remove you mean permanently? If you get a transfer cable i can help you update the sdact with the new configuration so you can keep it. Simplex 733-794
Is this a 4010, or a 4010ES? If it’s a classic 4010 (single main board behind the metal cover) it’s fairly simple to delete the sdact via front panel programming. Log in at level 4, select configure cards, and delete the dialer. Keep in mind by doing this, you’re forcing the next person who wants to make changes to upload the program from the panel if they want to use the panel programmer because there will ne no backup - and depending on the age of the panel, this can be tempermental.
If it’s a 4100ES (display mounted to a swing-out door,) or if you are using the 4010 panel programmer as god intended, it’s even easier but yeah you would need to cable as mentioned above plus probably the license/dongle to use the software, unless there are workarounds that I don’t know about.
Thanks for the reply. It is a 4010. I did go into programming and selected configure cards. I selected delete cards but it came back as no cards to delete. I will go back and try again. I have the programming cable but I do not have the software.