Simplex 4903-9217 conversion to four wire?

Hello, I recently got a Simplex 4903-9217 horn strobe, and I wana know if it can be converted to four wire (horn and strobe separate).

As far as I know electromechanical 4903-series horn/strobes are 4-wire by default. I know with electronic horn/strobes you have to cut two jumpers on the back of the horn to use the horn & strobe separately, but I don’t think it’s the same for electromechanical horn/strobes.

Have you tried powering each pair of terminals (one at a time) & had both the horn & strobe sound? (thus leading you to believe that they’re 2-wire by default)

I just figured it out, j1 and j2 have to be cut and now the horn and strobe are separated.

Ah, so I guess electromechanical 4903-series horn/strobes do have jumpers, alright. Glad you figured that out.