Smoke detector with dust cover

This smoke detector (of which I don’t know the model or manufacturer because I’m lazy) is in the hallway on the 7th floor of my condo building, and it has a red dust cover over where I’d guess the smoke is detected. Is this illegal/problematic? Is it not a dust cover? What’s the model of the device?

Also a picture of another detector in the same hallway for reference

Those both appear to be Siemens FP-11 addressable smoke detectors, & yes, I would say the dust cover on the one is a code violation as it blocks the detector from sensing smoke.

Thanks for identifying them for me! I thought they were Siemens devices. The system at my condo is made up of Siemens devices, with speaker strobes and MS-series pull stations made by Siemens. I have never seen the panel, but there is a Siemens annunciator behind the front desk.
Also, in the parking garage, there is a speaker strobe with a doorstop on top of its back box.

Nice, rare to see systems like those.

If you’re able to identify the annunciator there’s a good chance you’ll be able to identify the panel.

Odd how as you said there’s a doorstop of all things on the top of that speaker/strobe’s backbox.

If they are actually doing cleaning, painting , or general renovation that results in dust flying everywhere, then the dust cap is fine. If not, then you should let maintenance know. Otherwise… you could… uh… why not get a stepladder and do everyone a favor and remove the cap and not say anything?

Yes, that’s acceptable, but if someone left the cap on by mistake & forgot to remove it then it’s not.

You really shouldn’t, because more than likely you could get into legal trouble with the building owner (or potentially other individuals). Let a qualified licensed fire alarm technician take the cap off.

The silly part of me says “dude, do it”, but Carson you do bring a vaild point. Call maintenance and let them do.

There is no construction at all in the hallway.