Suggestions for any fire alarms

New version of the NS.

OOOH! How about a BG-10S?

And how about a BG-14? What would it be?

BG-10 with BG-12 style reset.

Make the MT look like the MT-LSM, but sideways.

I also second System Sensor bringing back multitone alarms.

I second the BG-14.

That Gentex should make a Commander5 with more advanced tones and the code-3 tone and mechanical tones without delay, making it sound like regular code-3 like today.

I third that! I miss the 800Hz wail of the MA/SS! That’s why I want one so bad!

OOOH here is one: Edwards 278, but you push in the cover instead of lifting it before pulling the handle

Gamewell full moon that is dual action but you push the circle instead of pull it.

Pulls that squirt ink?

I want them to bring back mechanical horns. They are much easier on the ears, they sound awesome, and (with exceptions) are quieter. I wish they would use 9838s in any rooms instead of AS’s and maybe MA/SS’s set to 800 continuous outdoors with the panel doing code 3.

Oh, and BTW, some horns are WAY overkill! Do they really need an AS in small rooms? Especially bathrooms! There are all RSS strobes in the bathrooms at my school, except for one which has an AS! Would hate to be the janitor of that bathroom after a drill! What they should do is make quiet electronic horns for small areas.

Siemens still makes mechanical horns, and Edwards still has Integrities, which are electronic but low pitched.

That SHG’s and GMS’s should look different from each other.

[color=red]I would make it sound like the TrueAlert because there are SpectrAlert Advances and 892s in my MS.

Can’t say that because in both my ES and MS, they have 892s and one Integrity. If they do that to the lone Integrity in both school, it would sound terrible. And it would only sound like 892s and Genesis’s.

I’ve been more of a High frequency person because that’s mainly what I hear during fire drills at school since Kindergarten.

Me? I am fine with the way alarms sound now, but I think that alarms should at least take about a second to ramp up the volume, and not just suddenly blare it. It scares me when it does that, and mechanical horns especially have been known to start especially suddenly.

Taking advantage of the Simplex 2903+TrueAlert glitch.

What’s that?

If you run 2903 strobe plate, and put a TrueAlert horn/strobe next to it with no power, the horn will make a sweeping noise.

Here’s a video by Tankcrusher210, apparently the discoverer of the glitch:

And here’s one by NewAgeServerAlarm:

I also tried it with my 2903 strobe and my 4903-9252, and it works (although since mine strobe plate is only on 19 volts due to the fact that I don’t have a 24 volt power supply, it isn’t as bright and the noise from the horn is very quiet.)