I found this catalog page on firealarmresources. It shows the 4251-40 as having both a pre-signal and general alarm capability. The pre-signal switch is the one operated by the T handle. That would cause indications in constantly manned locations like security stations. The alarm would be investigated and if evacuation was deemed necessary the person could do that at the pulled station.
General alarm was initiated by a key switch that would be mounted in the hole above the T handle switch. That switch was behind that mysterious hole behind the T handle. The key looks like a real long annunciator key but without the notches because it was a non-capturing switch. On your station that key switch was removed.
Now that would make more sense. Thanks for that!
I wonder if this pull station still dates back to the 1970s, like the 4251-20 does. I also could make out the numbers “81” on the torn label inside the pull station, making me wonder if this pull was manufactured at that time period :?. Interesting
Hey all, I’ve got big news about a possible “new” fire alarm control panel! As most of you guys know (on here and on YouTube), I currently own a FS (Federal Signal) “FireLarm 4000 Series” fire alarm control panel. I got this panel way back in 2012 or 2011. And when I got, I knew “jack” about it and how it exactly worked :lol:. Personally, I just wanted a fire alarm control panel cuz all the “cool fire alarm YouTubers” had one haha.
So I’ll try to make a quick summary about the panel itself and why I’m getting rid of it:
I believe the Federal Signal “FireLarm 4000 Series” fire alarm control panel came out somewhere in the early-80s (1984-ish). The panel is a “modular-based” panel, and those types of panels were still pretty large back then (take the Simplex 2001 for example, which to me is the panel that best “represents” this FS panel). Of course Federal Signal was owned by Autocall at the time, so it kind of makes sense that FS would make a modular-based control panel (and would continue to make them for a little while). These modular-based panels on the downside are a pain in the rear end to wire up and even figure out :?. That’s one reason why I’m not keeping the FS panel. The other reasons would be one it requires something called a “AC Power” modular card, which unfortunately I don’t seem to have. Also, if I ever wanted to code the FS panel, I believe I would need a coder card, something I ALSO don’t have. Buying modular cards for fire alarm control panels to me is just more money down the drain sadly. The next reason why I’m not keeping the panel is because it’s very heavy (at least 50 pounds or more), and it’s also quite wide. Right now it’s just taking up space in my room sadly :(. Lastly, the final reason would be how GOOD the condition is of it. I’ll show you pictures of the panel, but for being 30+ years old, it’s in very good condition :). As much as I would love to keep this “vintage” FS panel as a collectible, I just can’t sadly.
So, that’s about it. Oh yeah, and the “new” fire alarm panel is going to be the trade of this panel (hopefully). Take a wild guess what the “new” panel is going to be. It’s one I’m not “terribly” psyched about, but it’s fairly decent nonetheless :).
Well, it’s official! I just got my “new” panel today :). But first, let me know you the pictures of my previous panel, the Federal Signal “FireLarm 4000 Series” fire alarm control panel:
So, my favorite features about this panel is the fact that it has “Genesis Sync”, which is really neat because most if not all Genesis devices are two-wired, so I believe it produces an audible silence with the two-wired Genesis devices :). Also syncing Genesis devices sounds pretty fun either way lol. It’s also a 10 zone / 4 NAC panel, which is plenty for what I’m doing right now (a bit more zones than I was hoping though lol), so that’s a bonus. Finally the fact that it’s easier to work with and such might be helpful for when or if I get another fire alarm control panel.
My gripes on this panel is one it unfortunately outputs full wave rectified (FWR) power :(. So, either I might have to avoid fire alarm devices that could be hurt by the FWR, get the batteries for the panel and use them with the FWR-prone devices, or maybe get this DC-to-DC converter that was recommended by Zach (TheAlmightyZach). I’m leaning more towards the DC-to-DC converter in my personal preference, but I’m not sure quite yet. My second gripe would be that the panel is quite tall and also still pretty hefty for its weight (thankfully less weight than the other panel). Not terrible, but it’s not exactly a “great thing” haha. My final gripe would be it unfortunately has no march-time coding from what I’m reading. That’s pretty disappointing because I was really wanting a panel that did March-Time, but I guess I’ll just have to wait till I obtain the Simplex 4004. Oh well
Really excited about this panel though (even if there’s a few “catches” with it). Now it’s a new addition to my fire alarm collection
That does look really nice! I hope that you enjoy using it!
It does. I do enjoy using it :), even despite it having FWR and no March-Time coding. It’s really neat now that I don’t have to shove 3 sets of wires into one pull station just to control the system :lol:
Hello all once again! So recently I did a fire alarm trade with a fire alarm enthusiast who lives way up in Canada. I was able to obtain 4 new alarms from that trade :). And here they are:
They are (2x) EST/Edwards 202-7A-001 Ceiling “Integrity” Remote Strobes, a GE-labeled 270-GAO, and a EST/Edwards 270-GAO :). The 202-7A-001 from I remember is actually quite rare, which is nice.
So, although I was able to get these alarms, I had to sacrifice 4 other fire alarms that I owned. They would be one of my Faraday 6120s, my 4901-type horn (with had a Faraday 6120 cover plate), my Wheelock NS-24-MCW, and my first-generation FCI MS-2. I’m not too sad that I lost these alarms honestly. The NS I can easily obtain once again later on, the Faraday 6120 was one I was trying to sell (so that didn’t matter. Plus, now someone else can use this alarm now ), the 4901-type horn was something I wasn’t necessarily gonna use later on honestly, and finally the first-generation MS-2 was something I was thinking of selling later on anyway. Also I already own a second-generation NIB MS-2, so that didn’t matter either .
New alarms will be coming soon though! Not sure when though, but stay tuned for that as well ! That will be all
Figured it’s time for an update on my collection :D. And I’ve gained a couple of fire alarms since Christmas! Got 5 new fire alarm devices to be exact (3 in which I got from two trades I did (one with my friend from Texas, and one with my friend from South Carolina). I had to sacrifice 3 of my devices though: (First trade (TX): One of my EST 202-7A-001 Remote Strobes and my EST 270-GAO. Second trade (SC) Fenwal MB-G6-24-R Vibrating Bell). So here they all are :):
System Sensor MA12/24D (NIB) [got this as well on Christmas. Not sure of the year. Got this though for a really good price. Sadly I can do every tone EXCEPT Slow Whoop because I’m missing the third clip for it]
EST Integrity 757-7A-T [first ever Integrity I own besides the 202-7A-001 Strobe. Made in 1998, unfortunately is not Enhanced, and has the mounting bracket thankfully]
Simplex 2901-9833 [I wanted this horn for A WHILE (mainly in part to pair it up with my 2903-9101 strobe plate lol. which I have done). Works great, and is really loud too. Super happy I’ve received this device]
So that’s pretty much it for new fire alarm devices in my collection. I definitely have more devices to come. But for now, these are some great new fire alarm devices to mess around with