There is a B&NMobil directo in Milwaukee Wisconsin

It is a tourist attraction so you can search it up lmao


A tourist attraction eh? Nice find!

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The Silverstreet, SC 1003 could be searched too until it was removed for restoration.

Nice, I live like 30min away. I knew it existed but I’ll check it out.

I wonder if by any chance the guy behind (known as “vanamonde2” on Youtube) is responsible for said restoration, especially since he’s restored at least two 1003s already.

Actually it’s three enthusiasts from SC. Their YT names are SouthCarolinaSirens, GSPiedmont425, and HVAC Explorations (formally Siren Explorations). They teamed up with the Newberry County EMA. HVAC Explorations did a video on it a few days ago and will do more on the paint process while the other two have only made community posts about it.

Huh, okay. I wish them the best of luck in restoring that 1003!