Unknown Graphic Annunciator by Simplex

I found this unknown annunciator by Simplex at my high school I go to. It is black, and has red font that says “FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR”, and has the red Simplex Logo.
Anyone know what the model number of this annunciator?
It looked something like this:

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It is probably custom-made. I know Space Age Electronics makes graphic annunciators for Simplex. They have since the 1980s. The K-8 school I went to for kindergarten has such an annunciator that I believe was installed in the 1980s (it looks like the kind that would go to a 2001 system)…

Wiley… again? Anything to post one of those photos haha. The photo looks nothing at all like what the OP posted.

This is more along the lines of what you posted Wiley,
You can store it in that useless model number directory you maintain in your mind.

To the OP. ALL annunciators of this nature are custom made. You might get a model number though. Some of those units saw custom cases that were cut in a shop as well. Annunciators typically wired into either zone lights or zone cards that typically just shared controls if the annunciator even had that ability. There are/were a few folks that did this and the names escape me. I can still however using an electronics company to make us a custom case so there are a handfull of places they come from. There is a member or two that might know however so i’ll bump them to chime in.

I just found out that the annunciator is all black, not black and white.

Here’s a better image of what it looked like…

Why not take a photo of it?

Just found an image on what it looks like.
This image is not mine though.

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